How to Fix the IE Error in LG Washing Machine

By sarvottam

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Having a reliable washing machine is essential for keeping our clothes clean and fresh. However, like any other appliance, washing machines can encounter errors from time to time that may disrupt their normal functioning. One such error is the IE error, which is associated with water inlet issues in LG washing machines. If you’ve encountered the IE error on your LG washing machine, don’t worry! In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the meaning of the IE error, its possible causes, and, most importantly, provide you with step-by-step solutions to fix the issue and get your washing machine back to its efficient performance.

What is the IE Error in LG Washing Machines?

Understanding the IE Error

The IE error code in LG washing machines is an indication of a water inlet problem. When this error occurs, it means that the washing machine is not receiving enough water or is unable to detect the proper water level to start the wash cycle. This issue can arise due to various reasons related to water supply or the washing machine’s internal components.

Possible Causes of the IE Error

Several factors can lead to the IE error in an LG washing machine:

  1. Low Water Pressure: Insufficient water pressure from the main water supply can result in the IE error, as the washing machine requires an adequate water flow to function correctly.
  2. Kinked Inlet Hose: A kinked or twisted inlet hose can restrict water flow, leading to the IE error.
  3. Clogged Inlet Filter: The inlet filter, located at the back of the washing machine, can get clogged with debris or sediment over time, hindering the water flow and triggering the IE error.
  4. Faulty Water Inlet Valve: A malfunctioning water inlet valve may not open or close properly, preventing the washing machine from receiving the required amount of water and causing the IE error.
  5. Water Supply Issue: Sometimes, the IE error may occur due to a temporary water supply issue from the main source.

Now that we understand the meaning and possible causes of the IE error, let’s move on to the solutions to fix this error and get your LG washing machine up and running again.

How to Fix the IE Error in LG Washing Machines?

To resolve the IE error on your LG washing machine, follow these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check Water Pressure: The first step is to ensure that the water pressure from the main water supply is adequate. Insufficient water pressure can lead to the IE error. Contact your water supplier if you suspect low water pressure.
  2. Inspect the Inlet Hose: Examine the inlet hose connected to the washing machine for any kinks, twists, or damage. Straighten the hose to ensure smooth water flow.
  3. Clean the Inlet Filter: Locate the inlet filter at the back of the washing machine and clean it thoroughly. Remove any debris or sediment that may be blocking the water flow.
  4. Test the Water Inlet Valve: Check the water inlet valve for proper functioning. You can do this by running a water supply test. If the valve is faulty, consider replacing it with a new one.
  5. Verify Proper Installation: Ensure that the inlet hose is correctly installed and securely connected to both the washing machine and the water supply. Improper installation can lead to water leakage and trigger the IE error.
  6. Check the Water Supply: Ensure that there are no issues with the water supply, such as water outages or pipe blockages, which may cause the IE error.
  7. Restart the Machine: Sometimes, the IE error may be a temporary glitch. Try turning off the washing machine, unplugging it from the power source, waiting for a few minutes, and then plugging it back in. Restart the machine and check if the error is cleared.
  8. Run a Test Cycle: After performing the above steps, run a test wash cycle to check if the IE error persists. If the error is resolved, you can resume regular use of the washing machine.
  9. Seek Professional Help: If the IE error continues to appear after attempting the above solutions, or if you are uncertain about the cause of the error, it is recommended to seek assistance from a certified technician or LG customer support for further diagnosis and repair.


The IE error in an LG washing machine can be an inconvenience, but with the solutions provided in this guide, you can troubleshoot and fix the issue effectively. Checking water pressure, inspecting the inlet hose, cleaning the inlet filter, and testing the water inlet valve are essential steps to resolve the IE error. Regular maintenance and proper installation can help prevent this error from recurring in the future.


  1. What does the IE error mean on my LG washing machine? The IE error indicates a water inlet problem, meaning that the washing machine is not receiving enough water or is unable to detect the proper water level to start the wash cycle.
  2. Why is my LG washing machine displaying the IE error? The IE error can be caused by low water pressure, a kinked inlet hose, a clogged inlet filter, a faulty water inlet valve, or temporary water supply issues.
  3. Can I fix the IE error myself? If you are comfortable with DIY repairs and have some knowledge about washing machine mechanisms, you can attempt to fix the IE error yourself by following the troubleshooting steps provided in this guide. Otherwise, it is best to seek professional help.
  4. What can I do if the IE error persists after trying all the solutions? If the IE error continues to appear after trying all the solutions, it is recommended to contact a certified technician or LG customer support for further diagnosis and repair.
  5. Is the IE error dangerous for my washing machine? The IE error itself is not dangerous for the washing machine, but it can affect its performance and prevent it from functioning correctly. Resolving the error promptly will ensure smooth operation.
  6. How often should I clean the inlet filter of my LG washing machine? It is advisable to clean the inlet filter every few months or whenever you notice a decrease in water flow.
  7. Can I use my washing machine while the IE error is displayed? It is not recommended to use the washing machine when the IE error is displayed, as it may lead to incomplete or inefficient washing cycles.
  8. Are there any preventive measures to avoid the IE error? Regularly inspecting and cleaning the inlet hose and filter, ensuring proper water pressure, and maintaining the washing machine can help prevent the IE error from occurring.

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